
Designing Ethical, Compliant and Explainable Artificial Intelligence

Our Mission

DEXAI – Artificial Ethics is a company born to address the relationship between Ethics and Artificial Intelligence. We develop social and ethical evaluation models to support clients and institutions in evaluating the design and impact of AI technologies, focusing on societal impacts.

In the coming years, the ethical aspects of AI algorithms will be at the center of European policy making actions. We are preparing companies for this revolution.

Our Projects

DEXAI is partner in scientific projects funded by the EU Commission, where we develop our methodologies and tools for ethical and compliant AI systems.


Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are a class of AI systems able to create media contents – audio and video – resembling reality. The main concern raised by this technology is related to the so-called “deepfakes”, fake images or videos simulating real events with extreme precision. If trained on a face, GANs can make it move and speak in a hyper-realistic way. SOLARIS aims at understanding how this technology poses an urgent political threat since GANs could be – and have already been – used to spread fake news and disinformation. This raises an urgent challenge to democratic governance and regulation: to improve GANs accountability, transparency, and trustworthiness.

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The ENGAGE project fosters the Green Renovation of EU building a Green Investments Portal, to support the harmonization and the access to green finance. The combination of econometric methodologies with a human-in-the-loop and privacy by-design approaches aims towards a more ethically and economically sustainable relationship with the environment.

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LUCIA is an interdisciplinary project that aims to develop a large repository of lung cancer patient data (digital biobank) based on retrospective and prospective cohort data, and a comprehensive toolbox for the study of LC risk factors and health determinants. To achieve that, LUCIA will make use of a wealth of data from varied data sources; investigate the role and interplay of genetic predisposition, lifestyle factors and environmental factors on LC development, by integrating novel technologies and AI based analysis tools; investigate cellular pathways adjusted to LC subtypes; develop Value-Based Care Models to provide data-driven recommendations; and validate models with a prospective clinical study.

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Reliable advice from trusted experts

Human-Centered AI

Human-Centered AI aims to ensure that human needs and wills are kept at the center of the design process. We develop innovative methodologies to ensure human-centredness and ethical design of autonomous systems.


Privacy-by-Design/Default principle will be the key of a privacy and data protection sustainable future.

In a nutshell, PbD/D aims at embedding privacy and data protection principles within the technology and the design of projects, instead of  conceiving it as a superstructure.

European Research Projects

We transform your idea into a successful project. Outstanding experience as researchers and leaders of European research projects, we offer scientific excellence, transfer of knowledge on the most advanced ideas of AI-driven technologies and society, an extensive network of partners and stakeholders. 

Our offering



Open Sans

Noto Sans

Bebas Neue

Great Vibes

Rock Salt





Indie Flower


Roboto Slab


Noto Serif

Open Sans








assessment (AI Act)


Social Acceptance

AI Ethical Design & Training Ethics Officer

The future of technologies is today

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